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    Here’s an edited version of today’s webinar: https://faithlifetv.com/items/626730. We hope it’s helpful. Please post your follow-up questions and feedback to this group, and we’ll do our best to answer and address them as quickly as we can.
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    Welcome to the Logos Notes group. This is a place for users of Logos Bible Software to talk about the new Notes tool in the Logos desktop, web, and mobile apps. Share and learn tips, ask and answer questions, and show some of the cool ways you’re using Notes to help you do better Bible study—and let us know how we can make Logos Notes even better.
  • Is there any way to have your notes scroll alongside your Bible passage (like when linking to a panel of another translation)? Context: that is how Life Bible operates and I love it, so the only reason I haven't switched to mainly using Logos is because I'm having a hard time utilizing my notes effectively.
    1. I'm sorry but this isn't currently possible
    2. Ok, thanks for letting me know!
  • Does anyone know if there is a way to set my SBL Greek font near the top of the font list in Notes? Or, better yet, is there a way to set a shortcut key to switch from my default font to SBL Greek while typing?
    1. Anyone notice typing in notes to be laggy? When typing into desktop version especially. When typing in web version of logos it is very snappy but the words appear a couple strokes behind me typing them on desktop app. Could there be a setting I need to change?
      1. I'm not experiencing any lagging on my desktop when using notes. Tech support may be of assistance.
      2. This happens to me when my computer is overtaxing its processing power or when Logos is indexing.
      3. I am having the same issue. It seems to be constantly trying to sync/save the note. I have an older (2016) MacBook.
    2. As far as I can tell, exported highlights still do not include citations. It seems a bit clunky to have to go back to the resource and copy and paste the text into a document. Shouldn't this be an easy fix, since the citations are included in copied and pasted text?
      1. Hey guys! I Use notes primarily for my highlighting I am currently wanting to use anchors for the names of the various gods of other religions that are mocked by the Prophets and the psalms as a compendium so I can see in the note who and what they were. my current issue it my anchors are translation-specific, and I cant figure out how to make a non-translation-specific anchor of single words.
        1. I have a small timeline of Israel's history in a spreadsheet. I would like to be able to either import it or copy and paste it into a Note. The only import option for Notes seems to be for images. I can create an image and import it, but then the information in the image is not indexed nor can it be searched. When I copy and paste it, under either "paste" or "past without formatting" options I lose the spreadsheet format of columns and rows. I have had many instances where being able to create a small table of columns and rows in a Note would be very helpful. Does anyone know if it is possible. Thanks.
          1. , it's not currently possible, but it's definitely something we'd like to support in the future. You can voice your support for it here: https://feedback.logos.com/boards/logos-desktop-app/posts/add-support-for-tables-in-notes. In the meantime, perhaps paste in a screenshot to preserve the display and paste in the content to make it searchable.
        2. Hi, when I try to print or export my notes it omits the Bible passages that are anchored to those notes. Is there a way to change this so that it prints/exports the anchored bible passages?
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            Do you mean the full text of the anchored Bible passage, or just the reference? When I export the note, I get all the references of the anchors, but not the full quotation of the anchored Bible text. When I anchor a selected text rather than a reference, then the selected text is included in the export. For me it works just like I want, but maybe not for you.
        3. Hello everyone, I successfully linked one note inside other note using hyperlink and location of other note. It opens too. But whenever i open the note using that link, the note opens at the end location of the note. How do i make it to the top on the note. I thought it might be because of the long location url like logos4:NotesTool;EditNoteId=8db0d49e47c14bfc84a6947485c30612;IsEditorFullSize=true;IsSidebarExpanded=false;IsTrashExpanded=false;ShowFullAnchorText=true;Sort=modifiedDesc;ViewMode=compact but i trimmed it like logos4:NotesTool;EditNoteId=8db0d49e47c14bfc84a6947485c30612 Still it opens at the end of the note. Do you guys know any workaround ?
          1. To public

            Why can I not set a new default Font and Font size in notes? Come on guys it is 2023, the notes and notebooks are great tools but the inability to do such a simple word processing function makes no sense for a program that is as advanced as Logos.
            1. What is the problem with the font? This can be set if you go to Program Settings (the three dots, bottom left), under "Text Display".
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            If you want to be able to 'filter' your different highlights here's how: I had already completed over 1000 highlights when I realized I couldn't rely on the program to organize my highlights and relay that info back to me in a meaningful way. There was no way to filter highlights by the different styles and they all had the same generic icon in the notes tool. Then I discovered that RENAMING my styles the SAME as ones already included in Logos (such as 'Blue Foreground') that the notes tool finally showed different icons in the list of those scriptures I highlighted. Then I was able to drag them (based on the icons) into new notebooks for each style and now I can finally find all the times I highlighted using a certain style. I know this is not ground-breaking but it solved at least one of my problems.
            1. For example, what do you mean that you "couldn't rely on the program to organize and relay that info back to me in a meaningful way"?
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              Just a few examples: -You can't filter highlights by style, palette, label or tag -adding a notebook to a palette in the highlighter tool doesn't move any highlights you previously made -lists in a notebook don't provide any useful info on individual highlights/notes, only an icon and the verse, unless you click on each one -undoing a highlight doesn't delete it from the notebook -cant use CTRL-A to select all
            3. All right. Now that’s more useful. Here are some things that might help you. You can use search to filter your highlights by style, palette, label, and tags. See https://wiki.logos.com/finding_highlighted_text?campaignid=18467614031&adgroupid=141420567069&keyword=&device=c&utm_source=google&utm_medium=advertising_cpc&utm_campaign=google_search-keyword_dsa_logos_us_en&gclid=CjwKCAjwrranBhAEEiwAzbhNtdbonqhs1OWCJS4sLQHLzQEihT2F94EJj4-ObBddEbsMn20asPsi4BoCRdUQAvD_BwE To get rid of a highlight: Click the remove highlighting icon in the Selection/Context Menu or click Erase in the Highlighting Panel. Where are you trying to use ctrl-A. You can select all notes/highlights in a notebook with Ctrl-A. https://www.logos.com/grow/how-to-move-multiple-notes-in-logos-to-a-different-notebook/ I’m not sure what you mean by lists in a notebook.